Florida’s Reduced Commercial Rental Sales Tax

Florida’s Reduced Commercial Rental Sales Tax

Florida has distinct taxation policies that distinguish it from other states. Notably, it imposes sales tax on commercial rentals and has been gradually reducing the sales tax rate in recent years. Individuals and businesses involved in leasing or renting commercial...

AI Replace Attorneys

AI Replace Attorneys

Is artificial intelligence (AI) the answer to the prayers of many people?   For ages most of the population has been in search of options/replacements for the need of engaging attorneys? AI is the simulation of human intelligence by machines, especially...

Types of Use Provisions – Commercial Lease Agreement

Types of Use Provisions – Commercial Lease Agreement

Once you've located that “perfect” space and location, and you and the landlord have agreed to a Letter of Intent on the key terms, such as the rental amounts, you still have much to do before finalizing the lease. Two important clauses (most frequently in shopping...